

Five reasons to believe Snape is good (if not nice)
1. Headmaster Dumbledore's death isn't all it seems to be. After he pleads, "Severus ... ," there is a moment of silence, an opportunity for the two -- both skilled in the Potter books' version of mind-reading -- to have a private chat. Snape fans think Dumbledore orders him to go through with it. At this point, the headmaster is already in dire straits, poisoned by a potion of Voldemort's that -- in what seems like a deliberate parallel -- Dumbledore made Harry force-feed him.
2. We still don't have reliable information about why Snape offered to spy on Voldemort, "at great personal risk," in Dumbledore's words. In the Potter books, what you don't know is significant.
3. As he fled Hogwarts, Snape could have killed or kidnapped Harry. Instead, he stopped a Death Eater from torturing the teen.
4. The summer before these traumatic events, Snape saves Dumbledore from a potentially life-threatening injury. Why bother if he wanted the headmaster dead?
5. What's the more interesting plot for the final Harry Potter book: Yeah, Snape is still bad? Or -- surprise, Harry, the man you want to kill is on your side?
[By Jamie Smith Hopkins]
Matrix takes three points as parameters, first point is the origin, the second point being the X-axis and third point marks the Y-axis. Changing the order of points changes the orientation of the XY-axis. The Transform function of Graphics associates the Matrix to the graphics object. The newly drawn graph objects would have the new orientation. The TranslateTransform function of Graphics object moves the origin to the new point that is passed as parameter to TranslateTransform.
private PointF[] pArray;
Matrix m;
Graphics g;
//Rectangle must be declared before usage.
//pArray is initialized here.
m = new Matrix(Rectangle, pArray);
g.Transform = m;No one, not a single person, can come even close to Amitabh Bachchan when it comes to dialog delivery. I have gone totally crazy for his voice, not just once, or twice but again and again and this man just doesn't seem to be wanting to stop charming his audience. When I heard "dekha ek khwaab to yeh silsile hue", I fell in love with the song instantly, but it was the sheyr that Amitabh says before the song that made it even more appealing and now I don't like the song if this dialog is missing. The presense of the dialog gives yet another depth to the song and without the dialog, this song still remains incomplete for me.
à€”ेà€čà€ź्-à€-à€ुà€źाà€š à€žे à€Šूà€° à€Šूà€°
à€Żà€ीà€š à€ि à€čà€Š à€े à€Șाà€ž à€Șाà€ž
à€Šिà€Č à€ो à€à€°à€ź à€Żà€č à€čो à€à€Żा
à€à€šà€ो à€čà€ź à€žे à€Ș्à€Żाà€° à€čै
(music and song follow...)
vehm-o-gumaan se door door
yakeen ki hadh ke paas paas
dil ko bharam yeh ho gaya
unko hum se pyaar hai
Yet again the dialog that just stays in your heart. Some words that etch the internal walls of your heart and never get erased. This happened when he delivered the dialog as Badshah Khan of Khuda Gawah. Wow! what a voice! what a voice! I am rendered speechless listening to the voice. Only thing you'd be able to feel is that each and every single hair on your body stands up when he speaks these words:
à€žà€° à€़à€źीà€š-à€-à€čिà€š्à€Šुà€ž्à€€ाà€š! à€
à€ž्à€žà€Čाà€ź à€à€Čà€Żà€ुà€ź. à€źेà€°ा à€šाà€ź à€Źाà€Šà€¶ाà€č à€ाà€š à€čै. à€à€¶्à€ à€źेà€°ा à€źà€़à€čà€Ź, à€źोà€čà€Ź्à€Źà€€ à€źेà€°ा à€à€źाà€š. à€źोà€čà€Ź्à€Źà€€ à€िà€ž à€े à€Čिà€ à€¶ीà€°ी à€à€° à€čेà€°ा à€े à€šाà€ź à€«ूà€Č à€ी à€ुà€¶à€Źु à€Źà€š à€à€. à€िà€ž à€े à€Čिà€ à€«à€°à€čाà€Š à€šे à€Șà€čाà€Ąों à€ा à€žीà€šा à€ीà€° à€à€° à€Šूà€§ à€ी à€šेà€čेà€° à€Źà€čा à€Šी. à€िà€ž à€े à€Čिà€ à€źà€à€šू à€šे à€žà€čेà€°ाà€ं à€ी à€ाà€ à€ाà€šी à€à€° à€à€ à€ी à€िंà€Šा à€čै à€€ाà€°ीà€ à€Źà€š à€à€°. à€à€ž्à€žी à€źोà€čà€Ź्à€Źà€€ à€े à€Čिà€ à€ाà€Źुà€Č à€ा à€Żेà€č à€Șà€ ाà€š, à€čिà€š्à€Šुà€ž्à€€ाà€š à€ी à€žà€°-à€़à€źीà€š à€žे à€źोà€čà€Ź्à€Źà€€ à€ी à€ैà€° à€źांà€à€šे à€à€Żा à€čै.
à€à€़à€źाà€à€¶ à€à€Ą़ी à€čै, à€à€ź्à€€ेà€čाà€š à€źुà€¶्à€िà€Č à€čै, à€Čेà€िà€š à€čौà€žà€Čा à€Źुà€Čंà€Š à€čै. à€ीà€€ à€čà€źेà€¶ा à€źोà€čà€Ź्à€Źà€€ à€ी à€čुà€ à€čै, à€žà€Šिà€Żों à€žे à€Żेà€čी à€čोà€€ा à€à€Żा à€čै, à€Żेà€čी à€čोà€ा. à€°ौà€¶à€šी à€़à€° à€ुà€Šा à€ो à€čो à€źंà€़ूà€°, à€ँà€§िà€Żों à€źें à€िà€°ाà€ à€à€Čà€€े à€čै. à€ुà€Šा à€à€”ाà€č à€čै!
sir zameen-e-hindustaan! assalaam aaleikum! meraa naam baadshah khan hai. ishq mera mazhab, mohabbat mera imaan. mohabbat jis ke liye shiri aur hera ke naam phool ki khushbu ban gaye. jis ke liye farhaad ne pahaadon ka seena cheer kar dudh ki neher bahaa di. jis ke liye majnu ne sehraao ki khaak chhaani aur aaj bhi zinda hai taarikh ban kar. ussi mohabbat ke liye kaabul ka yeh pathaan, hindustaan ki sir-zameen se mohabbat ki khair maangne aaya hai.
aazmaish kadi hai, imtehaan mushkil hai, lekin hauslaa buland hai. jeet hamesha mohabbat ki hui hai, sadiyon se yehi hota aaya hai, yehi hoga. roshni gar khuda ko ho manzoor, aandhiyon mein chiraag jalte hai. khuda gawaah hai.
WHOA! It's magical...