Friday, August 23, 2019

Relationships advice from Sadhguru

More storms arising in the place called mind about so many things and my two lifelines come to rescue. One suggested to start listening to Sadhguru and the other one sent this video link: 

Now how to remind self of this every single day and every moment when the mind and heart wants to think relationships are absolute that in reality it's all variable. Didn't realize Mathematics / Algebra had so many levels and can be applied to life too. :)

As for the punishment part, I think we as a person are no one to punish anyone. The karma itself brings about its results to the doer of it and even if it doesn't, it shouldn't be our business to punish anyone else for anything they're doing. Only our own karma is in our hands and we as people have no control over what others do or don't do. 

These are all reminders to self. For our betterment, for our well-being, for a peaceful future.

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